
The Rosette Maleficarum began in 2017, a few weeks after the autumn equinox. This literary journal shows the beautiful, yet depraved nature that lies within reality, both in humanity and the environment surrounding us. From dark, Gothic fairy tales, to dream-laced poems, the Maleficarum dances between the boundaries of life and death itself.

The one who started this journal, Robin Goodfellow, first became interested in writing when she was three, scribbling all over her parents’ walls and imagining herself in old tales while walking in her father’s garden. Since then, she has published in journals such as Faith, Hope, and Fiction, the Haiku Journal, and Nature Writing, as well as Black Poppy Review and the Danse Macabre. Masquerade and Letters are also products of her childish mind. She is now the proud blogger for Hollies, Health, and Happiness.